Monday, October 25, 2010

Stung by a WASP!

Stirling and I had just gotten back from a much need and very enjoyable walk around the neighborhood. After walks Stirling is in a wonderful mood. The two of us were just in the living room(Stirling playing with his toys and I was on the computer) when all of a sudden Stirling lets out a very loud and very upsetting scream. I was startled as to why he was suddenly devastated and quickly tried to figure out what had gone wrong. I look to my left and see a wasp just walking on the carpet. All I could think about was that Michael was gone teaching his class and what to do  if Stirling were to be allergic! I proceeded to figure out where he could have been stung while trying to kill the wasp about 5 times and then I just covered it with Stirling's frooggy potty... to have Michael deal with the wasp when he got home. I finally found the spot where the wasp had stung my sweet baby boy, his inner thigh. Thank the Lord he got stung on a fatty part of his body, and it turned out Stirling was just wanting his bottle and to be held. I am so glad he was not allergic to the wasp!!

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