Friday, November 12, 2010

A Poo Update

So Stirling has been using his potty for a few months now. I always dread having to clean a poopy potty but Michael insists that when we hear him grunt, we must put him on his potty, therefore, I have agreed to do so. Well, since Stirling has been eating more solid foods, especially bananas, green beans and black beans.... his poo has been more like "big boy poo", which is much less gross than the pile of grossness it was before. The past few days poor Stirling has been a grunting machine to where he even turns red trying to get his poo out (funny yes, but you can tell he is really trying hard to go potty). At first, I was unsure why he was grunting, holding his breath and turning so red all of a sudden... and then realized "big boy poo" was in his potty. I do not know why I am so interested in the fact that he goes to the potty on his froggy potty or even why I love the fact that he is poo-ing in it, but I am so proud of him for sitting on his potty and using the restroom; I honestly think that this will lead to an easy transition into full-fledged potty training when he is a bit older. OH HOW TALKING ABOUT POO NEVER GETS OLD...

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