Monday, November 22, 2010

Standing all by Himself

Today we went to spend a few hours with my cousin and his son who is about to be three years old (Stirling and Vincent are EXACTLY 2 years apart in age). While Vince was coloring, Stirling was STANDING next to me although I had no idea he was standing all by himself due to the fact that I was watching Vince color his little heart out. The only reason I had any clue Stirling was standing was because Michael said, "Jessie, look Stirling is standing!" I was so excited to see him wobble but keep his balance, my motherly instinct must have hit me because I immediately picked him up because it looked as if he was about to fall (I naturally did not want him to get startled and cry). I cannot believe our baby is 10-months-old and so close to walking! Watch out world, Stirling is about to start walking!

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