Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Workout Challenge

Lately, a some of you know, I have been feeling self conscious about my weight and feeling a bit down about my body changing after giving birth to Stirling. I told myself I would have NO excuse to not workout once I had graduated. Well, some time has passed and I have begun to slowly workout. Long story short, Shep has been trying very hard to motivate me and get me to enjoy working out again; therefore, last night he took Stirling and I to the Park where they have workout equipment. I was to start off by saying, Stirling had WAY more fun than I did working out. I have realized that I am more out of shape than when I was pregnant and something must be done. I know this is going to be a long journey, but it intend to look somewhat sexy by the end of the year! I will keep you all updated on my progress.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Bubble, Bubbles, EVERYWHERE

The day began with myself having the bright idea of getting a bubble machine for Stirling. I wanted something that would keep us entertained both indoors and outdoors; therefore, I set forth on a mission to find a 17 month old friendly bubble machine. I went to Kohls with my mom and decided to take Stirling to the toy isle. To my excitement I saw not only one but three adorable bubble machines that were PERFECT for Stirling! They were in the shape of animals and when you press the handle the bubbles come out of the animals mouth (Little Tikes Bubble Bellies). Naturally, I put all three in front of Stirling to let him pick. He picked the dog, go figure! After we had gotten home from the store, I put the bubbles in the dog and ran around the house with Stirling and the bubbles. We had a blast and now  he is fast asleep! Good night all and LETS GO MAVS!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

This Momma has her MBA!!

I realize I have been MIA for the entire Fall semester. The journey with graduate school is finally over, and I am proud to say that I have my MBA in Health Services Management! I was to share a special thanks to all of those who have helped me along the way; I could not have made it out alive without all of you.