Sunday, June 27, 2010

Oh The Veggies and Fruits One Can Juice!

I have been looking into getting a juicer for a few months now, mainly to make fruit juice for Stirling, so I can avoid the sugar-infused store bought juice. My parents knew that I had been talking about juicing and gave us a juicer for my birthday last week.  I finally found some time to test it out after the USA vs Ghana match. After reading the manuel and the recipe booklets, I decided it was time to begin juicing!

Michael and I have been discussing what we should do to detox and I think I have found our answer... THE JACK LALANNE JUICER!  As I have learned this past week, you can make practically all meals with just a juicer and fruit and/or vegetables. Who knew you could use the pulp from a potato and an apple to make potato apple pancakes?! or make different combinations of vinaigrettes!

My first go with the juicer went extremely well. The first combination of fruits I tried was organic blueberries, 1 nectarine, and 1 orange. This combination made a small glass of fruit juice, the flavor was absolutely delightful (I had thought it would be a bit foamy, but these fruits did not make any foam). I then tried a combination of 2 plums and 1 peach. Honestly, it was not as tasty as the first fruit combination due to the tartness of the plums.

 I am finding that I actually enjoy juicing and found myself searching through the fridge trying to find other juice-able items... we had an avocado in the fridge, but you cannot juice them. Sad.

I am excited to go to the store to buy more things to juice! I think I am going to mix cabbage and kale with some strawberries and blueberries next.

1 comment:

  1. yum potato apple pancakes sound good! let me know how they are if you try them!
