Friday, August 20, 2010


Today was a very busy day in the Shephard household. Since the both of us will be going to graduate school this semester and working, we have TONS to do around the house before Monday. Today we decided to FINALLY tackle the piles of clean laundry. After about an hour of hanging and ironing clothes, almost all of the clean laundry is put away, but we still have about three loads of laundry to clean (I HATE LAUNDRY, which doesn't help that we have twice as much with a baby).

We also decided to clean, rearrange Stirling's room and closet. Let me tell you, that child has more clothes than me! His room looks amazing and is more open with how we rearranged the furniture. I am super excited about the change.

Not only did we do laundry and rearrange the baby's room, I decided that I was going to make and store some baby food today while Stirling took an unexpected three hour nap. I made some banana with a hint of ginger, carrots and applesauce to freeze. I am just preparing for when school starts back up and we have less time to prepare food for the baby. I mixed all of his food with some breast milk instead of water to help preserve the food! Since I made some food today, I did put a bit in the fridge, so for dinner we decided to give Stirling his own bowl with some banana and see what he did. HE HAD A BLAST... a very messy one at that. But it was so cute to see his feel the texture and slowly eat the banana on his own. This is going to be what we do for dinner from now on, I think because it gave us some time to eat and kept Stirling occupied and involved at the dinner table. Yes, this is messy, but I think it will end up being worth while, especially so he can learn and explore about new foods and textures.

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