Tuesday, August 17, 2010


So today I embarked on the adventure of watching our friend's baby Si while also being in charge of Stirling for the morning. LET ME TELL YOU the boys are amazing babies, but it was such tough work watching the two of them together for four hours. Strategically having to plan everything was quite the task. When one cried, the other would cry louder or when I would hold Si then Stirling would want to be held. I had a blast, but I was exhausted! I am so thankful that the boys are awesome babies and cannot wait for them to grow-up together. I did realize from this morning that Stirling needs to be more exposed to other children; he is not quite use to the sharing of his toys concept. On the same note, it was interesting to see that Stirling knows which toys are his and which ones were Simons and to see his reaction to when Si took his toy (Stirling would immediately grab the toy from Si to play with it) vs. when Si was playing with a toy they had brought from home (Stirling would not mind one bit and carry on with his toys).

On another note, I am so proud of Stirling, BUT grossed myself out in the process. Today marks the FIRST day Stirling has gone poo in his big boy potty!!! I am so excited, but I think next time he is going to have to go in the big potty, because I nearly could not hold in my breakfast afterwords. I dread having to clean a poo poo potty again.

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