Monday, August 9, 2010

Milestone, Milestone, Milestone!

Apparently six months is a big month for Stirling when it comes to milestones. In the past two weeks he has begun to crawl, although he is using mostly his upper strength rather than also using his legs. Not only has Stirling begun to crawl, but he has learned to pull himself up to stand. We met with the doctor today, and even he was impressed with how well Stirling was sitting up on his own and even more impressed when we told him he could pull himself up on his own.

We have been practicing diaper- free for the past few weeks, and I am proud to say that Stirling LOVES his froggy potty and has gone to the bathroom on his potty every morning after he wakes up and randomly after naps. It is so fun to see him smiling when I make the potty sign in sign language while he is on his potty. I cannot wait until he correlates the two and begins to sign potty back!

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