Thursday, July 29, 2010

Diaper-Free day 1

I have been interested in the different ways in which parents educate and teach their children about the potty and have the time to finally implement my preferred way to teach Stirling about the potty! I have been ultimately inspired by a book called Diaper Free... I know for most this sounds absolutely crazy, but it is such an amazing book about Elimination Communication.

After becoming completely inspired by this book, I too have faith that together Shep and I can choose a more natural approach to "potty training"(I HATE the word train, because we train our animals and teach our children, but that is an entirely different post) It is amazing that without even knowing much about EC, I already practice some of the tools mentioned by Ingrid Bauer. It is amazing how just a simple instinct is part of educating your child about elimination communication.

So, today I had the energy and the extra oomph to begin the elimination communication process. I decided to slowly being this process and Stirling was diaper- free crawling around our living room for about 20 minutes. We had his froggy potty in the room, immediately Stirling was VERY curious about the potty. We embraced this curiosity and put him on the potty and talked to him about the potty, but no elimination occurred. But I still got a feeling of success, because he was happy to be sitting on the potty and continued to show interest in the potty. For the next few weeks, I am slowly going to let him go for longer periods of diaper-freeness and better learn his signals, body language and timing! I cannot wait for this insane adventure we are about to embrace. I am sure there will be some hilarious stories to come.

Thank you all for your support, I am sure this is not something many of you understand or even really knew was possible! I am determined to have our baby be toilet independent before 2!

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