Friday, July 16, 2010

My Heart's Leading

Over these past three weeks while I have been taking three graduate classes, I have not had much time but I have had an hour drive to and from the Fort Worth Health Science Center to think. I have come to realize and understand much of attachment parenting. Although I may not agree with some of the stuff, I have realized that naturally I do practice certain aspects of attachment parenting. I believe that this is just possibly a motherly instinct. What really tugs at my heart is that society's techniques in relation to raising a child, especially an infant veers away from what is natural to us all compassion and the gift of parenthood. A parent and their child have a natural bond, I mean how else would a baby be able to pick your breast milk over other breast milk if there was not a strong natural connection. I feel as if society is not encouraging us, as parents, to get to know our child and their needs. 

Today I was told something so offensive I almost cannot believe there are people out there who think this... I was told that holding and cuddling a baby "too much" can be a form of child abuse... HOW ON EARTH CAN TENDING TO THE NEEDS OF YOUR CHILD BE CHILD ABUSE, last time I heard, CPS has never gone into a home of a loving parent and taken their child away... where has compassion gone?! Obviously out the window for someone who believes that you can hold a baby too much. Getting out of my soap box, I just have to say some children are naturally more dependent and some naturally more independent, hence why a parent should get to know the needs of their child, but to think that no child should be held and put a limit on loving a baby is just absurd and very offensive in my opinion. 

All in all, my only wish is that parents trust themselves and listen to their hearts and instincts when raising their children. It takes work to create a healthy home for your child, so why not first begin with trusting the parenting instincts you were naturally given. 

P.S. If you are interested in a book that supports, inspires and educates you, please please please read Attached at the Heart: 8 Proven Parenting Principles for Raising Connected and Compassionate Children by Barbara Nicholson and Lysa Parker or give this book to a momma at the next baby shower you attend! 

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